Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Guys Made Simple

Guys are really simple. And I think that life would have less stress in it if we all embraced the simpicity that are men.

Guys like one stop shopping. Go to Walmart or Target even Menards and you can get everything that you need for the day. Diapers to dry wall screws. Industrial size containers of Cheez Balls to chairs.

Guys like shampoos that are all in one. Body wash, shampoo and conditioner in one bottle is simply simple.

Guys like one pot cooking. Even if the dinner looks like something from Bizzare Foods with Andrew Zimmern the family WILL EAT IT! 

Guys don't get buyers remorse. When see something that we like, it pretty much sticks in our brain until we get it. And if we paid too much for the thing, we keep it anyway. Returns are not simple.

Our attire is simple. Pants in the winter, shorts in the summer. Coat when it snows or rains. Add sunglasses when it's sunny. Sunscreen? What do you think?

Guys are simple.

1 comment:

  1. Toby - that sums it up pretty well and hope that this picture will help add to what you are trying to say.


